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AADAA - Australian Air Defence Artillery Association

Australian Air Defence Artillery Association

A bond never forgotten

Our Purpose

Connecting serving and former members of Air Defence Artillery Units and Searchlight Units




The Australian Air Defence Artillery Association is a not-for-profit organisation founded to foster a brotherhood of camaraderie for serving and former members of the military that are or have served, in an Air Defence Artillery Unit or Searchlight Units.

The Association works closely with 16 Regiment and provides mutual support to our members through connections with old mates. We provide representation and raise the issues of members, organise reunions and promote the interest of members.

The AADAA relies on donations to keep providing support to our veterans and are 100% used for this purpose.  They are never used for administration costs.

You can donate securely as this website never collects your credit card or bank details.  Donations are made directly via your choice of Stripe, PayPal or via direct Bank Transfer.


Keeping our past close.

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16 Regiment

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You can rely on us

AADAA Honour Roll

View our members who have sadly passed. We attempt to maintain an accurate Honour Role of deceased members.

AADAA Excellence Award

The AADAA Award for Excellence is a prestigious award presented to the most outstanding junior leader (SNCO/Officer) serving at 16 Air Land Regiment.

AA/DA Memorial

The Anti-Aircraft and Air Defence Memorial is located at Woodside Barracks South Australia, the home of 16 Regiment, Royal Australian Artillery. The memorial represents all those who have served in an Anti Aircraft or Air Defence role.


Register to become an exclusive member of the AADAA community. Any serving or ex-military person is eligible if they have served in an Australian Air Defence Unit from any era. Direct relatives are also eligible with certain conditions.


A Snapshot into Military Life


The Association has many photographs and images that help to preserve our history. It gives an insight to military life for our families and friends.  Many of the photographs have been donated to the AADAA by members, family and associated organisations.  Please respect these gifts and respect our copyright laws.

Our mission

a bond never forgotten…



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